Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

3-14 Publications Committee

General Description

This committee supervises all print and online publications that are produced under the aegis of the Society of California Archivists, Inc., except the Preserving Your History brochure series and other additional publications produced by the Outreach and Publicity Committee.

Composition of the committee and terms of office are defined in Handbook section 3-1 and governed by the Bylaws.


General responsibilities are outlined in Handbook section 3-1.

  1. Develops timelines and budgets for all SCA publication-related activities.
  2. Provides quarterly reports detailing the committee’s accomplishments and future plans of action for Board approval.
  3. Oversees editing, production, and distribution of the SCA Newsletter and represents Newsletter interests to the SCA Board. When a Newsletter Editor or Advertising Coordinator position becomes vacant, the Publications Committee Chair initiates a search for a replacement. Should no replacement be available, it is the responsibility of the Publications Committee to ensure the regular and timely appearance of the Newsletter.
  4. Represents the interests of the Board in the case of joint publication ventures between SCA and other professional organizations or institutions.
  5. Annually updates SCA’s Directory of Archival and Manuscript Repositories in California and publishes it to the SCA website.
  6. Develops proposals for new publications. Once a new publication is approved by the Board, the Committee supervises its production and distribution.
  7. Explores external funding from appropriate grant agencies (e.g. NHPRC, CCH, etc.) to support publication programs.
  8. Works with the Outreach and Publicity Committee to advertise SCA publications in all appropriate venues.
  9. Sends copies of all SCA publications, as well as the Committee’s non-current records, to the SCA Archives.
  10. Handles all requests for permission to republish or distribute SCA publications. Individuals or organizations desiring to reprint articles from the Newsletter or other SCA publications should be asked by the Chair to observe the following requirements:
    • a. Secure prior permission from publication editors and original authors
    • b. Give credit to SCA as the original publisher and copyright holder
    • c. Send two copies of the publication to the Publications Committee Chair for deposit in the SCA Archives
  11. Reviews and, as needed, recommends updates to the following sections of the SCA Handbook: 3-14 Publications Committee, 3-14-1 Newsletter, 3-14-1-1 Advertisement Rates, and 3-14-1-2 Advertisement Sizes.

Revision history: 4/90 nlb, 1/91 nlb, 5/93 jab, 9/04 dgh, 6/09 jtm, 10/2017 llc, 04/2019 llc, 02/2020 mh, 04/2024 am, 05/2024 am

  1. Section 3-14 Publications Committee
  2. Part 3 Committees
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists