Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

3-13-4 AGM Facilitator Checklist

Complete Session Description form for session and send to Program Chair before or by the deadline set.

Send edited text to each session participant for verification or correction. Transmit all changes immediately to the Vice President/Program Chair.

Request each speaker to send a brief resume (or a few sentences of introduction) to the session chair.

Non-SCA member speakers will receive a special registration packet with a cover letter, or other notation, reminding them that registration is complimentary.

Send reminders to session chairs and speakers, specifying:

Arrive early for the session and check:

Introduce yourself to all the speakers so they are aware of your presence as the facilitator. Position yourself where you can be mobile and meet speakers’ needs.

Take a headcount of attendees.

Make sure that the session both begins and ends on time.

Write an evaluation of the session and send it along with the session attendance to the Vice President/Program Chair.

Send personalized thank you letters to each session participant.

The SCA Newsletter editor would much appreciate a summary of your session for the newsletter immediately following the meeting.

Revision history: 6/93 bh, 1/10 lo, 10/2017 llc, 09/2018 llc, 04/2019 llc

  1. Section 3-13-4 AGM Facilitator Checklist
  2. Part 3 Committees
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists