Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

3-11 Membership Committee

General Description

This standing committee surveys the current interests and concerns of the membership, encourages participation in SCA activities and programs, and solicits new members.

Composition of the committee and terms of office are defined in Handbook section 3-1 and governed by the Bylaws. The committee is chaired by the Membership Director. In the absence of an active committee the Membership Director takes on the committee’s responsibilities. See also Section 2-7: Membership Director.


General responsibilities are outlined in Handbook section 3-1.

  1. Solicits new members among individuals and organizations, and encourages participation by members in the activities of SCA.
  2. Contacts non-renewals to encourage them to renew their memberships. In discussing the advantages of SCA membership, the following points might be made:
    • a. Only members are eligible for member registration rates at Annual General Meeting (AGM) and other programs
  3. Oversees membership surveys to monitor shifts in member interests and concerns when requested by the Board. Findings are reported to the Board and then to the membership via appropriate print or electronic communications. Survey topics are set and approved by the Board. The Membership Committee works with other committees, as needed, to produce, assess, and report survey results.
  4. Assists with the planning of new member events at the Annual General Meeting.
  5. Assists with the management of the online membership database and related projects pertaining to membership as needed.

Revision history: 4/90 nlb, 5/91 nlb, 8/92 dmc, 5/93 dmc, 10/05 lo, 1/10 lo, 4/13 em, 04/2019 llc, 02/2020 mh, 03/2023 an

  1. Section 3-11 Membership Committee
  2. Part 3 Committees
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists