Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

3-10-5 LAC Compensation Guidelines

General Description

The Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) is responsible for all Annual General Meeting (AGM) physical arrangements, including the hotel contract, meeting spaces, catering, A/V contract/logistics, allied event venues, online/on-site registration, publicity, tours, and post-AGM wrap-up/evaluation.

LAC is arguably the most labor-intensive committee within SCA, requiring an immense amount of work by the co-chairs and their committee members over a twelve-month period. There is a steep learning curve for the LAC co-chairs, and the role requires a level of commitment and aptitude far beyond what is typically required of other SCA committee chairs. LAC co-chairs/members also devote a considerable amount of their time onsite at the AGM to ensuring that the event runs smoothly and successfully.

As an organization committed to fair and equitable labor practices, SCA is committed to compensating LAC for their contributions to the AGM by providing financial assistance with registration fees, travel costs, and hotel accommodations.

Compensation Guidelines

LAC Co-chair (Senior/Junior only) Compensation:

LAC Committee Member (Registration) Compensation:

LAC Committee Member (All others) Compensation:

LAC Registration Desk Volunteer Compensation:

Revision history: 06/2020 mh

  1. Section 3-10-5 LAC Compensation Guidelines
  2. Part 3 Committees
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists