Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

3-1-1 Quarterly Report Format

Name of Committee: Person reporting: Date:

I. Committee Charge

II. Membership

III. Summary of Activities

IV. Goals

V. Timeline

VI. Budget

Proposed/Approved amount




VII. Summary of Board advice or action requested

VIII. SCA Handbook updates: review requested

Add footer in the following format: yyyy/xth qtr/name of committee; i.e. 2008/4th qtr/election.

Revision history: 6/93 bh, 6/09 jtm, 07/2016 llc, 03/2023 ck

  1. Section 3-1-1 Quarterly Report Format
  2. Part 3 Committees
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists