Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

2-7 Membership Director

General Description

The Membership Director acts as corresponding secretary in matters relating to membership and membership development, and keeps records and data relating to all membership functions. The Membership Director also serves as Chair of the Membership Committee (See SCA Handbook: Section 3-11). The election procedure and term of office for the Membership Director are described in Bylaws, IV.5 and VI.2.


  1. Chairs the Membership Committee (in the absence of an active committee the Membership Director takes on the Committee’s responsibilities).
  2. Appoints Vice Chair for Member Activities to be approved by President.
  3. Processes all membership applications and payments.
  4. Processes all memberships awarded to Western Archives Institute (WAI) participants as identified by the WAI Coordinator.
  5. Prepares and distributes membership renewal notices.
  6. Responds to all membership related inquiries in a timely manner.
  7. Maintains the online membership database. Includes the following:
    • a. Exports online membership database into a standardized digital format for long term preservation on July 1st.
    • b. Removes all member profiles that have had a member status of “lapsed” for more than two years from the active online membership database.
  8. Maintains and updates the membership application as needed.
  9. Maintains and updates new member welcome notifications as needed.
  10. Reports the total number of members in the organization as well as the number of members at each of the membership levels to the Board at scheduled meetings.
  11. Provides membership lists to SCA committee chairs as needed.
  12. Provides names of members that have donated to SCA to the chair of the Development committee.
  13. Provides a list of all active members from the previous membership year to the chair of the Communications and Outreach committee for Archives Month poster distribution.
  14. Submits the names and repositories of new members to the Publications committee for inclusion in the SCA newsletter at regular intervals.
  15. Provides the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) with a list of active members for the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  16. Plans and hosts new member events at the AGM in coordination with the LAC.
  17. Distributes membership surveys when requested by the Board (topic is selected by the Board and survey is drafted by designated Committee or others, as appropriate).
  18. Provides membership pins to the incoming president and chair of the Awards committee for Mink Scholarship winners at the AGM.

Revision history: 8/92 dmc, 5/93 dmc, 6/93 bh, 10/2000 rpb, 4/04 lo, 10/05 lo, 3/06 board, 1/10 lo, 4/13 elm, 8/14 elm, 07/2016 llc, 10/2017 llc, 02/2018 llc, 01/2019 llc, 02/2020 mh; 03/2020 mh; 03/2023 an

  1. Section 2-7 Membership Director
  2. Part 2 Governing Body
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists