Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

2-7-3 Membership Pins

General Description

Membership pins are made available to all eligible members of the Society as prescribed below. The Membership Director shall be responsible for the sale of the pins and for the management of the inventory.

The price of each pin is $20.00. All profit from the sale of membership pins shall be directly deposited into the SCA Education Fund.


  1. Each incoming president will receive a gold-plated membership pin in recognition of service to the Society.
  2. Each outgoing board member will receive a bronze membership pin.
  3. All members may purchase a silver membership pin.
  4. Mink Scholarship winners will receive silver pins as part of the award presentation.
  5. WAI Scholarship winners will receive silver pins as part of the award presentation.
  6. Outgoing committee chairs will receive a bronze membership pin.

Revision history: 5/86 rln, 5/91 nlb, 5/93 jab, 4/94 ppa, 3/96 jw, 5/04 laj, 1/10 lo, 06/2017 llc, 10/2017 llc, 02/2020 mh

  1. Section 2-7-3 Membership Pins
  2. Part 2 Governing Body
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists