Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

2-5-2 Budget Categories

General Fund Income

Advertising Newsletter, AGM Program, and other publications
Exhibit Space AGM vendor booths
Meals AGM, workshops, and other SCA programs
Membership Dues Rates are Individual, Student/Retiree, and Institution
Misc. Income Includes membership labels, and shipping on brochures and publications
Refreshment Sponsors Vendor donations, usually from AGM
Registration AGM, workshops, and other SCA programs
Sales Brochures and publications
Tours Tour income, generally from AGM

General Fund Expenses

Advertising For publications and events
Affiliate Organizations SCA membership in sister organizations, and such
Audio/visual A/V rental at AGM, workshops
Bank Fees Returned check fees, service charges related to banking
Computer/Software Laptop computer and software
Copying Photocopying related to SCA business
Exhibit Fees Outreach activities at conferences
Facilities Use and rental fees for AGM, workshops, board meetings
Filing Fees Fees associated with necessary business filings
Honoraria/Professional Fees For workshop leaders and speakers
Insurance General liability, directors’ and officers’ liability, special events
Meals/Refreshments Coffee breaks, meals, receptions at AGM, workshops, board meetings
Miscellaneous Publications and brochures shipping, uncategorized expenditures
Phone/FAX Teleconferencing, long distance calls, faxes
Postage Mailing, UPS, FedEx
Printing Brochures, publications, newsletter, AGM program
Production/Design Brochures, publications, membership applications
Professional Services Accountant, financial advisor, internet and legal services
Program Chair Discretionary Discretionary expense related to AGM program activities
Returned Checks Uncollected monies from bounced and returned checks
Scholarships WAI scholarship(s)
Supplies Committee, board, program, and project supplies
Transportation Costs associated with AGM tours and offsite workshops
Travel/Lodging Associated with board and committee meetings, for workshop speakers

Restricted Funds Income

Donations Outright, annual drive, AGM silent auction, membership pins

Restricted Funds Expenses

Scholarships Mink scholarship(s), Gray Scholarship(s), Continuing Education, Advancing Equity Scholarship
Travel/Lodging AGM speakers
Honoraria AGM speakers

Other Income

Dividends/Interest Dividends and interest earned on all monies on deposit

Revision history: 5/93 jab, 6/95 jw, 8/04 laj, 6/14 tep, 02/2020 mh

  1. Section 2-5-2 Budget Categories
  2. Part 2 Governing Body
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists