Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

2-2 President

General Description

The President acts as chief administrative officer and legal head of the organization, provides leadership for the Society, and exercises supervision over the organization and all its activities.

The election procedure, terms of office, and general duties of the President are described in Bylaws, IV. See also Alice Sturgis’s The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.


  1. Prepares agendas for and presides at Board and member meetings. Regular and special meetings are described in Bylaws V.
  2. With the assistance of the Secretary, Members Meeting agenda to be distributed at least thirty (30) days in advance of the AGM (Bylaws V.1);including any proposed Bylaws amendments (Bylaws X).
  3. With the assistance of the Treasurer, presents a budget to the Board for final approval at the Board’s fall meeting.
  4. With the Board, selects dates for regular Board meetings according to the Society’s established calendar.
  5. Calls special meetings when appropriate.
  6. Appoints committee chairs, with advice from and approval of the Board. For appointments, approval of the Board is majority consensus, not a formal vote.
  7. Confirms Vice Chair appointments by Committee Chairs.
  8. Appoints Board liaisons to each committee to serve during the President’s term.
  9. Serves as ex-officio member of all standing and special committees except the Nominating Committee.
  10. With the approval of the Board, appoints replacements to fill vacancies in elected positions (Bylaws IV.3 and IV.5).
  11. Signs letters or documents necessary to carry out the will of the Society. If the President is not a legal resident of California, the Vice President or other designee may be required to fulfill this function as required by the laws of the State of California in matters of incorporation.
  12. Represents and speaks for the Society to other organizations and to the public.
  13. May appoint a Parliamentarian if they choose.
  14. After elections, informs candidates, Newsletter editor, and Membership Director of results. After results are shared at the annual Members Meeting follows up with chair of Electronic Communications Committee to ensure information about SCA’s board is updated on the website.
  15. Is responsible for sending all records, including those of terminating officers and committee chairs, to the SCA Archives.
  16. Sees to it that when the Board recommends a dues change, Society members are notified at least thirty (30) days prior to a vote.
  17. Provides a welcome letter to new members, which is sent to the Membership Director for inclusion in the new member packet.
  18. Submits quarterly reports to the SCA Newsletter, including information on the work of the Board and other administrative matters of importance.
  19. Conducts leadership seminars for new and continuing Board members, committee chairs, and interested members.
  20. Creates end of year accomplishments for the Treasurer to submit to the accountants in conjunction with completing SCA tax returns.
  21. Ensure Local Arrangements Committee includes a separate message about the annual business meeting.
  22. Remind committee chairs to confirm interest and SCA Membership of all committee members after taking office.

Revision history: 03/83 rln, 04/90 nlb, 10/90 nlb, 05/93 bh, 04/94 ppa, 07/95 ppa, 04/04 jlm, 04/08 jtm, 06/09 jbr, 03/12 tep, 07/2016 llc, 01/2019 llc, 05/2019 llc

  1. Section 2-2 President
  2. Part 2 Governing Body
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists