Call to order; President welcomes everyone; disseminates agenda
Introduction of Chairs and current and new Board members
Overview/orientation to how the Board works
Orientation to SCA Business
Questions from new Chairs/Board Members and Feedback from ongoing Chairs and Current Board member
Tour of SCA Website
Orientation for basic functions in Wild Apricot
Points to cover
Members are elected, mostly 2 year terms, rotate which are new each year so that there are old and new hands
Terms begin thirty (30) days after the annual business meeting
Meets 4 times a year, fall meeting is the budget meeting
Meetings are open
VP/President-elect chairs the Program Committee, serves as President in second year of term, is ex officio for a third year and chairs Nominating Committee
Directors at Large serve on the WAI Joint Management Committee
Are mostly volunteer with chairs and members remaining as long their interest takes them, a few variations
LAC is just for the year
Nominating Committee is elected (Immediate Past President is chair and then two members elected in alternate years so there is always an old hand and a new one)
Awards Committee members are appointed by President rather than volunteers
Some committees have a Northern and Southern co-chair, but the committee is one committee
Orientation to SCA business
Familiarize yourself with the SCA Handbook
Membership sends names of new and renewing members expressing interest in a specific committee–contact them, welcome them to your committee, involve them!
Each committee chair prepares a formal report to the Board prior to each Board meeting. Make long enough to inform and alert the Board, but don’t feel you have
to reach a certain length. If there are issues, you should be communicating with your liaison in a more active way so they have the background.
Keep committee members list current and fresh. If someone isn’t active, communicate with him/her, if no longer able/interested then don’t keep on the roll.
Each committee has a liaison on the Board, usually determined at first meeting.
Liaison should communicate with their committee chair both before and after all Board meetings
Liaison should attempt to visit with the committee chair at least once during the AGM
Liaison should communicate budget information to the committee chair
Chair should check in with liaison particularly over issues with potential for conflict or difficulty
Make budget requests in the fall (can make special requests other times but…)
Committee chairs present an oral report of committee activity at the Annual Business Meeting (aka Members Meeting) during the AGM. Any chair unable to attend shall designate a representative to make this report.
Outgoing chairs should make a point of communicating with incoming chairs, review events and issues of the previous term
At minimum outgoing chairs or board liaisons should provide to incoming chairs copies of previous quarterly and annual reports and the previous year’s committee budget
Committee chairs send non-current records to the Society’s archives at the end of their term of service (or periodically in the case of long-term chairs)
The official SCA mailing address is at the State Archives in Sacramento, let the person in charge of the mailbox know your preferred address for mail forwarding
SCA has 2 retractable banners for use at meetings and outreach, the Outreach and Publicity chair(s) usually keep them
If a new chair, what questions do you have? If an experienced chair, what wisdom to impart?