Society of California Archivists
1050 W. Alameda Ave.
Mailbox# 126
Burbank, Ca. 91506
The address noted above serves as a permanent mailing address for the Society.
The address should be used as the postal return address for the SCA Newsletter, workshop fliers, membership brochures, and other Society publications, brochures, and other mailings.
Membership inquiries and applications (not membership renewals), exchange newsletters, and other general correspondence and communications should be directed to this address. Mail will be sorted and forwarded to the appropriate individuals.
Mail intended for specific officers, Board of Directors members, and committee chairs should continue to be addressed to those individuals, not the permanent mailing address, unless the current office holder or chair is not known.
Registration for workshops, the Annual General Meeting, and other Society events; newsletter submissions; membership renewal notices, ballots; surveys; and similar mailings should be addressed to the responsible Committee chair or designee, not the permanent mailing address.
Starting in 2023, the incoming Vice President will manage the permanent address and will continue to manage it when they subsequently serve as President and Past-President. The person in this role will be referred to as the mailing address manager. The 2026 incoming Vice President will be the next assigned to manage the permanent address.
SCA reimburses the mailing address manager for all expenses incurred in the fulfillment of the responsibilities described below. Expenses include postage, stationery, photocopying, mailing labels, telephone calls, and rubber stamps.
Members are responsible for informing SCA of any change of address. Returned mailings will not be forwarded unless a new address is provided by the post office on the returned item. SCA is not responsible for determining new address unless informed by members. Change of address information will be forwarded to the Membership Director.
SCA mailings (e.g. newsletter, workshop announcements, etc.) to foreign destinations must be placed in an envelope to assure proper delivery, otherwise they will be returned by the post office.
Revision history: 2/90 nlb, 7/90 nlb, 10/90 nlb, 5/93 bh, 7/95 ppa, 10/05 lo, 6/09 jtm, 01/2018 llc, 02/2018 llc, 05/2019 llc, 6/2023 jb