Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

1-7 SCA Privacy Policy


The Society of California Archivists recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy and confidentiality of information provided by its members. This policy outlines how the Society of California Archivists collects, uses, and protects personal information.

Authorized Use and Disclosure of Information

The Society of California Archivists collects potentially confidential information from both SCA members and non-members to provide a variety of services that support the organization’s mission. This information is used to facilitate registration and payment for workshops, webinars, the Annual General Meeting, member-initiated events, and other SCA-sanctioned events and activities. Contact information provided through registration is used for email communications regarding those specific events. This information is kept confidential unless disclosure is required by law or the individual registrant chooses to release it. Registrants can select what information - like their names and affiliations - will appear on any lists of individuals participating in these events.

SCA also maintains an online directory of members that is password-protected, and may only be accessed by SCA members. Members can edit their profiles at any time, and have the ability to choose what personal information from their individual profiles is made public to other members. It is an individual member’s responsibility to restrict information that they do not wish to disclose. Personal contact information is often used for disseminating information to members about upcoming events and SCA-related news; preferences for participating in specific committees, and personal contact information, are also disclosed to chairs of those committees to facilitate an individual member’s participation in committee activities.

Guidelines for Use of Membership Directory

Any information provided to SCA for publication in the Membership Directory is for professional use by SCA and its members only. Distribution or storage of this information for purposes not related to SCA business or other professional use is prohibited.

SCA Website and Data Security

The Society of California Archivists uses a variety of software applications to provide services to members. For more information about how the providers of these software applications keep personal information secure, please visit their websites.

Revision history: 01/2018 llc; 02/2018 llc; 02/2020 mh; 03/2020 mh

  1. Section 1-7 SCA Privacy Policy
  2. Part 1 Introductory Material
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists