Handbook of the Society of California Archivists

Handbook, Bylaws, and Policies

1-5 SCA Core Values

Statement by the SCA Board affirming SCA’s core values

The Society of California Archivists (SCA) is a non-profit statewide professional organization with a membership of more than 500 archivists and records managers. California’s varied institutions- and the Society’s diverse membership—are committed to the use, preservation, and retention of records.

Our organization cooperates with individuals and other entities on matters of common concern, no matter where the individual or organization is located. SCA supports the position of many of our sister associations, such as the Society of American Archivists, the American Library Association, and others in their strong belief that public notice should be given before removal of any online government information. We stand with our allied organizations in our commitment to offer users free access to information without discrimination.

Our state’s institutions and archivists hold the human record of every race, creed, gender, and religion on earth. We are, at our core, an organization that develops, supports, and promotes archival education to all individuals regardless of national origin, race, orientation, or religion. California’s archival community includes people of color, members of the LGBTQI community, immigrants, religious clergy, and people with disabilities.

The records we hold document the historical past, transform communities, and promote unity and understanding. We value diversity in all its manifestations and look forward to encouraging public interest in, and public support for, archival facilities serving the people of California.

Members of the 2016-2017 SCA Board:
Mattie Taormina, President
David Uhlich, Vice President/President Elect
Lisa Crane, Secretary
Kate Tasker, Treasurer
Christy Horton, Membership Director
Chris Marino, Member At-Large Board
Li Wei Yang, Member At-Large
Ellen Jarosz, Immediate Past President

Revision history: 02/2018 llc, 05/2019 llc

  1. Section 1-5 SCA Core Values
  2. Part 1 Introductory Material
  3. Handbook of the Society of California Archivists